February 6, 2013
A message from the president of the GBA to the Presidents of the member association Presidents. February 6, 2013 Since my last message to you, much has transpired on the water levels front. I think we are all aware of the very recent release from the US Corp of Engineers wherein they confirm the water ...
January 14, 2013
The Georgian Bay Association (GBA) is a public policy advocacy group acting on behalf of its member associations to talk to and persuade government bodies at all levels to take action on issues of importance to its members. Issues Water levels in Georgian Bay are at an all time low level. The short-term ...
January 22, 2012
Members of the West Carling association are invited to submit their announcements for posting on this website. If you have an item for sale, are hosting a community get together or have announcements you feel would be of interest to our members and site visitors please see our Member Announcement Policies ...