
What the Phrag is going on in Carling?

By Richard Wilson You might not know it’s there, but you have definitely seen it. Phragmites Australis, also known as the common reed, has become a prevalent plant in southern Ontario. It is commonly seen along the 400 series highways and is considered one of Canada's five WORST invasive species. Phragmites ...

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WCA Fall 2023 Newsletter

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 A Bit About Docks

By Richard Wilson, GBA Representative In 2021, the Ontario government passed a bill banning exposed plastic foam (typically polystyrene) as floatation in new docks and dock repairs. Specific laws are working their way through the system, but such material should be discouraged for now. The Georgian Bay ...

Dock Foam

By Donna Tucker Bill 228: Keeping Polystyrene Out of Ontario’s Lakes and Rivers Act became law on May 13, 2021. The Bill requires anyone who sells, offers to sell, or constructs floating docks, platforms, or buoys to ensure that any expanded or extruded polystyrene in the dock, platform, or buoy ...

President’s message

By Donna Tucker, WCA President  While closing our cottage for the season and enjoying the spectacular show of autumn leaves, I recalled reading about the cause of this phenomena.  As the length of night increases in the autumn, chlorophyll production slows down and then stops, eventually destroying ...

What would interest you next summer? 

By Peter Pook, WCA Director Now that autumn is here, the West Carling Association (WCA) Board is back to brainstorming ideas that interest our members for the upcoming summer. This summer, the “Paddle Around Franklin” fundraiser, organized by White Squall, was a great success with many participants. ...

Getting the Most and the Least, Out of the Fog

by Tom Betts In a ledger with Mother Nature, I'm hopelessly indebted. After all, how could I ever keep up with all the wonderful sights, sounds, smells, and spectacular scenes that Nature provides me daily?  But on one wonderful day on Georgian Bay this past May, I was able to make a small repayment. ...

Cottage Life 100 Years Ago 

By Bruce Davidson For many years, my brother, sister and I pestered my mother to write down her childhood memories of the island on paper.  Even though she was a good writer, for reasons unknown, she always put this particular task off… until one rainy day in her eighties, when she finally relented. ...

Fun With Phrag

By Richard Wilson, West Carling Fragmeister Following up on our message to everyone in the WCA Summer 2023 Newsletter, I am thrilled to tell you about our “Phrag Busters” accomplishments this summer. Several stands of phragmites were removed from Franklin, Bateau, Deep Bay, Lockie, and Windsor Islands ...