Changing Hands


As of August 2018, Bill Bialkowski has handed over responsibility for the WCA newsletter, after six years of faithful service. For most of those years, Bill was creating a hardcopy version – no mean feat! Laying-out a newsletter that is essentially an 81/2 X 10 piece of paper, folded in half to make four pages of the finished product is a rubick’s cube of a sort. Every time Bill needed to add one page to an edition, he had to find content for four pages. That meant he often had to beat the bushes to get submissions from WCA members.  The cost of printing an edition is based on the number of pages so Bill could not have the WCA paying to print empty pages! You can see what job it was for Bill to fill the pages and create a pleasing and professional looking newsletter.

A big thank-you to Bill for handling this job so admirably and without complaint for so many years.