Deputation to Carling Council

On August 13, four Carling ratepayers’ associations (Bayview on Parry Sound, Deep Bay, Pengally Bay, and West Carling) made a presentation to Carling Council to address mutual concerns and to strongly emphasize our desire to be seen as partners with Council and our willingness to assist where possible.  The deputation focused on three major topics:

Our goals for the presentation were to provide Council with:

Council listened respectfully to our concerns, and all agreed there was a lot to ”unpack.”  In response to a question by Council about next steps, Mayor Murphy noted that discussing the material presented would have to occur in a public meeting and would be scheduled on a future agenda.  Further, she recommended that if any member of Council has suggestions for a response, to forward them to Chief Administrative Officer Kevin McLlwain so that he can put them together to form a basis for our future discussion.

We look forward to Council’s response and learning how we can work together.

The video recording of the meeting and the transcript are available on the Carling Council website and at the link below. The section on our deputation starts at minute 9:53 of the video.

You will also find attached the slides from the presentation and a link to an article about the deputation in the Parry Sound News.

Council Presentation August 13

Three Things the Township Could Improve