GBA Stays the Course.

A message from the president of the GBA to the Presidents of the member association Presidents.

February 6, 2013

Since my last message to you, much has transpired on the water levels front. I think we are all aware of the very recent release from the US Corp of Engineers wherein they confirm the water levels of the Middle Lakes are now at an all time low. This is indeed discouraging and reminds us of the need for GBA to remain so actively involved on this file.

To this end, GBA was invited this last week to a meeting of the Mayors of the Municipalities of Eastern and Northern Georgian Bay to help develop a cohesive message to the Provincial and Federal Governments on the low water crisis. We were invited to explain to the Mayors the need for both short-term actions to address matters such as dock relocation, blasting and dredging of individual properties, communal channels and marinas as well as long-term action to raise the water levels in the Middle Lakes. Our presentation was well received and was used to help form a resolution, adopted by all the Mayors, recommending certain actions to be included as part of the Federal and Provincial plans to remediate water levels in the Great Lakes.

As previously reported, the winter edition of GBA UPDATE will be held until February 19th in expectation that the IJC report on water levels will be available by then. While we anxiously await their recommendations, we feel it is premature at this time to speculate on what they will say. GBA will withhold its opinion of this report until we have read and assessed the IJC document.

GBA has continued on a course of engaging senior politicians to impress upon them the need to exercise their responsibility to make informed recommendations regarding water levels in the Great Lakes. To do otherwise may be counter productive to the process and not in the best interests of our membership.

Once the IJC tables its report we will review the material, gauge the response from the two Federal governments and then advise you of our assessment and planned action.

Best regards,

Craig Bowden – President