Giving Back to The Bay

Giving back to the Bay can take many forms for different people.  WCA Director Peter Pook found a novel way to give over the Civic Holiday by painting the bullseye marking the channel on the south end of Franklin Island.

This task has apparently been done by fisherman Glen Parr for many years.  As you can see from the photos below, it’s not a job for super seniors unable to kneel on solid rock.  But then again, nobody told Peter that.

Inspired by many accolades received by recently painting the black stripe down the front of Snug Lighthouse, Peter decided that if someone could get him onto the rock that damn bullseye that has been there for generations was gonna get painted come what may.

The author assisted in the effort by skillfully manoeuvring his pontoon boat onto the leaward side and then set about the arduous task of picture-taking while Peter got all the fun painting.  Bear in mind that I had to wait forever for him to finish the job and then pick him up, so it’s not like it was easy.

For boaters wondering who’s responsible for making the safe passages visible from great distances you need look no farther that our fine Bay stewards Glen Parr and Peter Pook.  We owe them a hearty voice of appreciation.