President’s Message

Aah, Spring – the renewing cycle begins as we are back in Carling, greeting friends and neighbours in anticipation of another cottage season and new memories to continue the cycle.   

Five years ago, I asked our grandchildren (now aged 17, 14, 12 and 9) what they like most about being at the cottage. Last month, their answers were very similar when asked the same question. Our grandchildren continue to value family memories, such as sunsets, swimming, kayaking to Snug Lighthouse, boating, and exploring Franklin Island, the Pancakes, and Killbear Beach. They enjoy seeing deer, moose, beavers, and other wildlife, including our local snapping turtle. Collecting raspberries and making jam continues to be popular, along with expeditions to see our local sunken boat. Boat rides for ice cream always make the list.

I conclude not only how privileged we are to have access to this incomparable area but also that preserving the natural environment and the Bay and its landmarks is critical.   The work of the West Carling Association must continue to support the protection of our pristine waters, our vulnerable coastline and landmarks and the biodiversity of our environment. To meet those goals, we must keep abreast of relevant issues, government policies and decisions, ensure that our tax dollars are allocated and spent appropriately, communicate frequently with our members, and efficiently administer our own affairs.

Over the winter, our activities have included:

The West Carling Association is a group of volunteers working for you and your family.  I urge you to continue to support our activities and to speak with your neighbours about joining.


Donna Tucker

President, West Carling Association