Last fall our experts gave you the facts about water levels on the Great Lakes and in Georgian Bay. We answered 259 questions posed by 400 concerned citizens with experts reviewing our responses to ensure that everyone has the fact-based understanding of the issues and the limits under the existing water management systems in place. We brought this information to Municipal Councils around the Bay and after more than a year of combined effort with Georgian Bay Forever (GBF) Municipal Councils now have a solid fact-based understanding of what the issues are.
But there were even more questions asked around what actions could be taken to protect properties and shorelines around the Bay during high and low water extremes.
The Georgian Bay Association (GBA) and Georgian Bay Forever’s Extreme Water Levels: Impacts and Strategies Webinar Series is a collection of webinars aimed at answering those questions, providing strategies to adapt your property and your budget, and raising awareness about the extremes and variabilities that will impact the ecosystem and your family’s enjoyment of your favourite place on the Bay.
Each webinar focuses on different topics, and we invite you to register for all three.